Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer Youth Programs

Summer's here, and the kids are in need of something to occupy their energy. Where better than RiverWinds to keep them active, healthy, and happy? Check out these programs and call 856.251.0990 x106 with questions or to enroll.

Fiesta Doll Making: Turn rags to riches as you jazz up your rag doll in festive attire! For kids 6 and up on June 30th at 7:00 p.m.

Parents’ Night Out: Parents, you deserve a night out! RiverWinds is offering a program for our members. Do not look any longer for that special sitter for your child. A 48-hour notice is required. The children and a child care provider will participate in activities, games, or a night of movies. We will provide a snack and entertainment. July 15th and August 19th.

Hermit Crab Races: Our 4th Annual! Race your critter then take him home. Remember to bring a container! June 15th at 7:00 p.m. All ages welcome.

Father's Day Craft: Kids of all ages can get their hands dirty and Dad (and Mom!) won't have to clean it up. Make Dad a special gift...but it's a surprise, so find out when you get here! June 7th from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Pool Scavengar Hunt: Embark on our aquatic scavenger hunt to unearth pool pebbles and other surprises. Different hunts offered for different age groups, with younger children in the zero-depth area and older participants deeper in the pool. Open to all ages (under 10 requires a parent). FREE to all pass holders! 7/14 at 6:00 p.m.

Bubble Day: Get out of the house and enjoy the summer sun while creating bubbles large and small on the RiverWinds grounds. Free to all pass holders! 8/2 at 6:30 p.m.

Ice Cream Social: Our favorite summer treat returns for this summer! Our Ice Cream Social will include a variety of flavors and toppings, including lowfat yogurt for our many fitness buffs! 8/17 at 7:00 p.m.

Questions? Call 856.251.0990 x106 for more information about schedules, locations, fees, ages, and more.

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