Tuesday, May 28, 2013

RiverWinds Kicks Off Summer with Session 3!

All of your favorite fitness programs and more are being offered this session, which runs from May 19th to July 6th.  Some of the more popular programs being offered are Senior Stretch on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:50 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and Zumba on Mondays at 5:45 p.m. and Saturdays at 9:35 a.m. These classes fill up quickly and multiple members are regulars.  Miriam Reichenbach says Senior Stretch is “one of the best classes offered for those of us who want to move around easier with arthritis”. Senior Stretch also improves coordination and agility while reducing stress, improving overall health.

Keep an eye out for our newest fitness class, Body Shock! This class is taught by one of our best trainers, Brent. Body Shock is a total body workout that has a mix of strengthening exercises with cardio and core intervals. The best part about this class is that all fitness levels are welcome!

There are a lot of exciting new youth programs, as well as arts and crafts, coming up in the month of June.  If you want to get in touch with your creative side, try the Pick-A-Piece of Ceramic Bisque Ware Workshop! You can enjoy painting and applying different glaze techniques on assorted pieces such as bowls, plates, vases, and more. In the spirit of the summer season, you can make a flip flop wreath and/or a sea glass frame, as well.

If you are looking for a nice family activity, bring your kids to the sixth annual Hermit Crab Races on June 12th at 7:00 p.m. Kids pick out their favorite hermit crab and race them to the finish line. After the race is over, you get to take home your chosen hermit crab. Don’t forget to bring something in which to carry him hone! Finally, with Father’s Day coming up, we have a youth program that helps kids make a wonderful gift for their Dads: the craft is a surprise so you will not know what it is until you get to the class!

And, Parents! We all know how hard you work, and sometimes you just need a night out without the kids. Why not drop your children off at RiverWinds for a special night for you and them? The children and our Child Care staff will participate in activities and games, or a night of movies with snacks, so you will not have to worry about anything but having a blast with each other!

Keep an eye out for all these events on our Facebook as well as our website. Keep checking back for updates!

See you at the Facility!
The Gang at RiverWinds

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